You See What You Believe

encouragement Apr 07, 2022

Did you know that what you believe inside of yourself can have a direct impact on how you engage in the world around you? Your thoughts, emotions and beliefs can really determine your perception. And perception is the stimulus for action. This is important to understand because it can have a significant effect on what your life looks like. And how happy you are.

It's much more difficult to show the world your true authentic self if you believe that the world won’t accept you for who you are. Won’t love you or understand you. So you may view the world as unaccepting and cold. A scary place to be. And then pull back from fully engaging. But someone who believes that they will be loved no matter what, that the world will be accepting and loving of their true authentic self, has a totally different perception of the same world. And they find that world accepting and warm. A happy place. And it’s easier to engage in that world.

This is why I talk so much about mindset. It’s why I am driven to bring encouragement. Because you can change your perception. You can change your belief in yourself and your belief in the world. If you believe that you are good, then you ARE good. If you believe that other people are good, then other people are good. If you believe the world is good, then the world is good. And that belief allows you to engage more in the world because you see it as a place – a community, that you want to be a part of.

And to you cynics out there – yes, I know that there is also bad in the world. But if you focus on the good, see the good, believe in the good you will live a much happier life. And isn’t that what we all want? To live a happy life?

You see what you believe. What I believe is that you out there, the one that is reading this blog or watching this video? You are good. You are worthy. You are loved. You have MUCH to bring to the world. You will totally ROCK this day! I want you to believe it too.