Quitting Isn’t Always A Bad Thing

encouragement Mar 22, 2022

Have you ever heard the saying “quitters never win and winners never quit”? It’s designed to keep people motivated and reaching their goals. And it is an important message that reminds us to work hard for what we want and that hard work does pay off. That sticking with things and seeing them through teaches us how to dig deep. And it’s really important for some people to develop the skills to stick with things. But there are also some of us that need to develop the skills to know when enough is enough. Because some people quit too easily and some people hang on too long.

And when you hang on too long you may be suffering needlessly. Especially if you talk yourself out of ending a situation that just isn’t healthy. Maybe you’re in a toxic work environment or you’re continuing to spend time and resources on a failing project. Or my personal challenge – saying yes to activities and commitments when your plate is already full.

There really are times when quitting is a better choice. Those times when hanging on too long goes from being tenacious to being foolish or maybe even dangerous. Sometimes that happens when we are perfectionists. Or maybe we have a fear of losing out. FOMO is a real thing. It might even be guilt or shame. And sometimes it’s just plain ego.

But here’s the thing. Not knowing when to quit can actually change your mindset. You can change from being a positive person to a negative person. Or your optimistic soul may become pessimistic. So it’s important to know if failing to quit is changing your outlook on life.

Decide what is worth quitting and what is worth fighting for. Quitting is something that is very personal. You want to make sure that you are owning your decision and that you can move forward without regrets. That you can own your decision with confidence. It’s okay to admit you’re afraid. But once you have made the decision, think positively and start small. Deciding when to quit is a balancing act. You absolutely don’t want to quit too soon. But remember that quitting too late can also cost you. It’s important to know that your willingness to learn how to quit things the right way can become a positive influence not only for yourself but for those around you that you love and care for.