It happens all the time. One day you wake up motivated, raring to go – there is NO mountain too high for you to climb! You see your vision. You’re going after it. And nothing is going to stop you!
Then it happens. You wake up another day and that mountain looks unscalable. Even that tiny molehill looks like something that is just too big to tackle. You’re down in the dumps, down on yourself. And nothing seems to be able to get you moving.
It sure seems like staying motivated should be easy. I mean we all know about finding our “why” and focusing on it. How if our “why” is big enough we can overcome anything. And that’s true. You CAN overcome anything. But the trickier part is what do you do when you know all of that but you’re still lacking the motivation to DO it? There are some simple things that you can do when you’re lacking motivation.
One thing you can do is determine if you lost your focus. Did the many distractions in our world cause you to lose sight? Remembering your focus can really help you to overcome a lack of motivation.
You know I love to talk about mindset and envisioning your best life! Well, another thing you can do is to trick yourself into feeling motivated with a simple change in vision. Ask yourself “What would I be doing right now, today, if I DID feel motivated?”. Then spend just a little time envisioning how you would be feeling, what you would be thinking and more importantly what actions you would be taking if you DID feel motivated. Then DO those things and watch your motivation rise.
Remember also to give yourself grace. We’re all super good at being hard on ourselves, right? Beating ourselves up over our lack of motivation and telling ourselves all kinds of negative stories. Give yourself grace. When you look at yourself with compassion, when you give yourself grace for being human it’s so much easier to find your motivation again.
And I hope that one thing you can do is to come here, to Your Daily Dose of Encouragement. When you feel supported, loved and HEARD you will find it so much easier to stay motivated. So go out there today and climb your mountain! See your vision! Go after it! Because I believe that nothing is going to stop you.