How Action Inspires Motivation

action encouragement motivation Apr 18, 2022

Have you ever had a project or work that you needed to complete, and you struggled to get motivated because nothing was coming to you? Or you have this dream that is burning inside of you and it just needs a little bit more creative thinking, but you just aren’t feeling it. You sit there waiting for inspiration to strike. Nothing. So, you go to the handy dandy Google. Or maybe hit up Pinterest. Maybe you try taking a walk to see if nature will inspire you. Still nothing. And you just can’t get motivated because there’s just no spark of inspiration.

Or maybe you DID find a spark of inspiration and you thought “Yes!” – now I’ll be motivated. And maybe you are. But then something happens. Your doubts creep in. Or you’re not sure of your next step. And then you’re back to feeling unmotivated. Not only that, but now you feel like maybe you’re just not capable. You may even wonder if you’re just lazy.

Here’s the thing. Sometimes we’re looking for motivation to come first. We’re looking to be inspired so that we can jump right in and get stuff done. And when that doesn’t happen, we get stuck. We just can’t find what we need to get started. So, we don’t.

Surprisingly, motivation can actually be found when it comes AFTER you’ve already started taking action. Wow, that’s something to really think about. Instead of waiting for motivation to strike so that you can get things started, you actually want to get things started so that you can be motivated to keep going. That should really be exciting for you! Because there are simple things you can do to make that happen.

First start by doing something. Anything. Any action at all will inspire motion. I can attest to this. I was inspired to do the Daily Dose of Encouragement a long time ago. And I often found motivation in that inspiration. But it took a long time to actually get it started because even though I was inspired and I was motivated, I was also overwhelmed by the big picture and the long list of things I should do or needed to do in order to get things started. What really was the key was just taking action on SOMETHING. For me, that was the first video. My only goal was to take action by getting one video done and posted. And once that was done, it really motivated me to do more. And then more.

So, today I want to encourage you to think about something in your life that you’ve been waiting to be motivated and inspired to do. And then I want you to think of one simple thing that you can do, one simple action that you can take to just start. Once you act, the motivation will follow. Because action is the key.Have you ever had a project or work that you needed to complete, and you struggled to get motivated because nothing was coming to you? Or you have this dream that is burning inside of you and it just needs a little bit more creative thinking, but you just aren’t feeling it.